
Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Burlingame Had a Battle. Too Much Work to Find Out If It Was "For" "At" or "Of".

   I went to the Battle this past weekend and had mixed feelings.  The people that put it on really put it ON!  There was a finish chute  and a crowd and a bunch of volunteers that looked like they enjoyed what they were doing.  I don't know if they did, put they certainly put on the attitude of sharing in a good time even though they were trapped behind a registration desk, standing in the woods, or stopping traffic at the crossovers. There were tons of kids cheering when you came out of the woods and a fair amount of NBX guys willing to trade one sentence conversations with you out on the course.  In the end, I believe it's how you feel about a race the next day that really decides if you'll do a race again and on Monday I was sure I'd go back next year.