
Monday, September 27, 2010

My English Teacher Said "Sucker Brook" but My Ebonics Teacher Said "Sucka Brook". Cyclocross Is Confusing.

I have no race report of any interest. Just read Glen's below and trade out "faded" for "accelerated", "got dropped" for "passed", and "locked up my lower back" for "settled into a good tempo."

Much like G-Roll I also have a two variant method for the pass:
1. When riders go by me I try to latch on as inconspicuously as possible. Often when the passing rider looks back I turn my head and whistle a dainty tune pretending I'm just taking in the landscape. Then when there's a straight away or climb I pass them back. Racers love that.
2. I let them go but yell, "Racer X! Look us up!" Sometimes it's just about getting the name out there.

Free publicty CCB!
How about you say hello on the next group ride when you pass me going the other way?

Random notes on Sucker Brook cross:
-Sweet course. That was really well done.

- The officiating left a little to be desired, but whatever. I pay $25 and someone with cancer gets helped. No worries. (Or as I told a group of Masters riders from my race who spent an hour trying to organize a mutiny after the race because half got pulled when they got lapped but half didn't: "Yeah, we should go find the officials and figure it out. Just because we were in the back of the pack doesn't mean we don't count. Wait here for me and I'll be back after I find and then thank my my wife and kid for being here, call my teen daughter to say 'do your homework', sort my clothing out of my teammates car, take my dog for a quick walk, and pack up my bike." Grow up jackass mofos, you're forty years old and got lapped at a local cross race. Pack your Zipps and go home.

-Skinsuits rule. Glen said so and he's a mountain biker.

-I rocked the T6 Greaser Sock and it was niiiiiiiiiice. Will I wear them every race? Is your sister's blouse mis-buttoned when she comes home every Saturday night?

-No matter how much three teenager spectators taunt you every lap don't try to ride the sand during the race if you can't in the warmups.

Whoa there! You can't cut the course to get to the pit area! Rules are rules.


  1. THAT Cracked me up! Awesome recap J-Rock - let's get ready to throw down these next two weeks.

  2. J-Rock, if I was not married, I would want to meet your sister!
