
Monday, October 4, 2010


So as earlier mentioned David had talked a few us into trying our hand at cross racing. First off, thanks Dave! One for talking me into it even when I swore I would never race cross, and two for setting up the Racer-X tent where we could all use the central location to house our goods, etc..... You put a lot of work into these events for all of us and I wanted to point that out. This is the face that Dave would give if you try to thank him!
"If I get just one person hooked on
cross.... thats all the thanks I need"

So normally I write in my blog more about diabetes management, as that is really my focus. I have come to terms that for the most part I am the 'middle of the pack sport guy', and that is ok. My goals are all focused around managing my diabetes on the bike and in general. That being said, cross racing was going to introduce a whole new set of challenges for me.

Ideally during a cross race I would prefer not to carry a H2O bottle of Endurox, cliff bars, GU or anything else in-case of low blood sugar. I had to 'spike' my blood sugar more than normal before the race and hope that I had my insulin pump settings correct to get me through the race. I think mission accomplished, but I need a few more races to get some good data... good thing I'm hooked!

I learned a few things during this race and not necessarily in this order:

1. Cross bikes need gears (plural)..... 42/18 is the amount of money that should be in my pocket for the beer tent, not my only gearing option.

2. Arrive with enough time to get a few easy laps in for a warm up. That way you have ample time to realize that you have too stiff of a gear, and say F%$& it and head to said beer tent.

3. Don't try to put anything in your left jersey pocket. You pinned it shut with your safety pin/race number and will cut the crap out of your hand and rip your new jersey. Dumb ass.

4. The beer tent is sent from the heavens. If you pass your beer out to racers that pass by while still racing on the coarse, you are assured a spot!

At least that dude gave you a run for his money....

Nice form!

You WILL meet some interesting
people...... that dude, not my wife!


Yeah, I dropped you. Your bike is ugly.

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