
Friday, September 9, 2011

Oh no you DIDN'T...

Not sure what happened today... most of these last few years racing 'cross, never did occur to me to even THINK about racing on a single speed 'cross bike. That is just nuts. Even recently, When Jay-Mo and D-Nice noted the new, Zaconato sponsored New England SS CX Series did it even cross my mind, so to speak - to consider any of that sort of foolishness.

But then with QuadCross all but out of the question due to family schedule issues, I see that at 3:30pm that crazy. mixed bag of nut-jobs takes off. I'm no speed demon, and the old Subaru is slow - but I know I can make it to Maynard, MA by 3:30pm - even if I jump out of the car, pin on my number, and hit the start line. WTF, right? We only live once... a fluke, if I do get there prior to the Elite field start - guess what? I'll race that mother too. Honey Badger don't care - he's crazy! I don't know how these things happen - but who am I to try and alter the cosmic trajectory in life...? I'm sure all you early morning hammers will be long gone before I even start driving to Maynard - but I'll keep the gang updated here.

If you're wondering how I got that KHS CX200 bike sporting a perfect chainline, no tensioner device, sweet single geared set-up so dialed in - it's purely due to the snazzy 'Tr!ckStuff Exzentricker' outboard bearing EBB adapter system that I've been riding on the mountain bike this season. And a few PVC pipe spacers on a geared freehub. Simple, clean, and light - oh, and works perfectly so far. I'll also report back on how it perform under the stresses of 'cross racing abuse. Who knew...?