
Monday, March 12, 2012

Where Are The Best Hills?

In relation to the "north of Boston" area, where do you guys, and gals, think the best hills are? I'm looking for a good distance to elevation ratio (meaning, how far do I have to go to get some "real" climbing in?). Do I have to drive up to NH or VT? After being able to climb thousands of feet while in Costa Rica (more on that later), the local hills just aren't cutting it for me...


  1. I've never seen hills like I saw at The Jay Challenge, VT

    1. Yeah, and I could drive up to VT and ride up Burke Mountain, but I'm looking for anything closer...

  2. Lynn Woods stone Tower, steel tower is decent for something close. Ward Hill, Boston Hill up to Elephant Rock is good. Russell Mill in Chelmsford is small but has some decent climbs.
    Found some good hills in Groton Forest as well.

  3. 2 road bike type hills, both are in Ipswich. Take Sagamore St., which goes from Rt.22 to Rt133, there is a gated (open during the day) road that leads to some sort of military comm. station. Not very long but steep enough to induce tears. Also, at the top is a native American shrine type thing.
    In the same area, Gordon-Conwell College campus is just one big hill, longer, not quite as steep as the comm. station hill.

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  6. The hills in and around Pawtuckaway State Forest are pretty serious. From my house up Mountain road it's like riding Darling Hill, Twice! Inside the state forest there's long fire road climbs. Rob knows the area I think. You're welcome to park at my house anytime and ride up to the park. Oh and if you take the road back the hills are just as bad going the other way. I have a singletrack trail I take to go around them ;)

  7. Ok, I just looked at your trip elevation. Forget what i said, you need to go further north...
