
Sunday, December 9, 2012

Ice Weasels 2012 A.K.A. Mud Weasels

And so it ends, the 2012 cyclocross season...

Some might think it would be difficult to encapsulate an entire cyclocross race season in one blog post, but, when you only do one race, it's fairly simple.

Yep, for 2012, it was "one and done" for me. Schedule issues, and an addiction to my BMX bike have kept me off the 'cross scene. But if I had to do one race, it would have to be Ice Weasels. Yes, I did race 'cross in April at the Sea Otter, but I don't consider that part of the real 2012 season, and it was in California, and hot as hell, so that doesn't count.

As most know, the weather was warm-ish but wet for Ice Weasels, making it the PERFECT 'cross race.

Crowds were smaller than I had seen in previous years, but it was still great to see many familiar faces that I hadn't seen for a year or so. I even remembered some of the names associated with those faces (but I am notoriously bad at that... sorry).

Results are not posted as of the time I am writing this (which is ironic Mr. Resultsboy...), but, who cares? Do you care what place I came in? I don't. I was out there to have fun, and I did. And, truth be told, I spent more cummulative time going to and from this race than I actually did racing AND "training" (I did do one training ride... sort of...).

I'll admit, I missed racing. I'm glad I got out there, and I'm looking forward to hitting a few more for 2013... Until then, I'll be spinning around on my little bike as long as weather allows...

Maker's Mark hand-ups! I missed that one, but I did get beer from a pink flamingo...

Yep, it was that kind of day.

Monday, July 30, 2012

SSUSA 2012

SSUSA 2012 was held in beautiful Stowe, Vermont this past Saturday. This was an anti-race event in which we were prepped well ahead of time that it would be a fun ride amongst friends and we were even requested to leave the race kits at home and "wear something a little more appropriate." Though Rob and I didn't wear a costume, we certainly embraced the spirit of being a single speeder and fully immersed ourselves in the revelry of the weekend.
Friday night started with a leisurely ride on the Stowe recreation paths up to the Matterhorn where we registered and were offered a number, "if we wanted it". The two options were 666 or 69 for everyone. The evening was filled with live music, too many good brews, and a crazy late night ride back to hit the sack after 1:00.
"Race" day came and so did the hangover, but we persevered and rode to the start in our silent misery. I think this crowd did a little more "training" for the race than we did. The ride started with very little pomp and circumstance and we were sent straight to climbing hell from the very beginning. The trails were an awesome mix of tight technical single track, ridiculously long climbs, and really fun descents. Our Garmin gave us around 30 miles (there were a few wrong turns) and about 4000 feet of elevation gain. Though it was hard, we had some great liquid "aid" stations along the way. I'm not sure if the booze made it better or worse, but we both finished and no one got carted off on a gurney. Success! There was an after race bike derby for the belts, a maple syrup drinking competition for hosting rights in 2013, and a party at the Rusty Nail to wash away our pain with even more liquid refreshments.
Anyone up for a drive to Minnesota in 2013?

Friday, July 20, 2012

Kingdom Trails, July 2012

Well, the Racer-X interwebs has been a bit quiet lately. I suspect that's because everyone has been out slaying sweet singletrack or ribbons of asphalt. Or, it's because I've been distracted by about 857 other things, and I haven't had a chance to post anything. For example, about two weeks ago, there was an informal gathering of a few of us up in the northeast kingdom of Vermont, for camping, laughing, and of course riding in Kingdom Trails. Yeah, it took me two weeks to finally go through some pics and post 'em. That's not even mentioning the fact it took me nearly two weeks to air out the tent and actually put my camping stuff away from that weekend. Sigh... Anyway, enjoy these pics, and let's get some more info broadcasted to the WORLD WIDE WEB!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Burlingame Had a Battle. Too Much Work to Find Out If It Was "For" "At" or "Of".

   I went to the Battle this past weekend and had mixed feelings.  The people that put it on really put it ON!  There was a finish chute  and a crowd and a bunch of volunteers that looked like they enjoyed what they were doing.  I don't know if they did, put they certainly put on the attitude of sharing in a good time even though they were trapped behind a registration desk, standing in the woods, or stopping traffic at the crossovers. There were tons of kids cheering when you came out of the woods and a fair amount of NBX guys willing to trade one sentence conversations with you out on the course.  In the end, I believe it's how you feel about a race the next day that really decides if you'll do a race again and on Monday I was sure I'd go back next year.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Sea Otter

So, I've been home for more than a week, and I'm still having trouble figuring out what to say. I had a great time. I raced (and got served), I oogled new bike stuff, hung out with new and old friends, and all in all, had a blast.

Anyway, I've written several paragraphs and deleted them all... I don't want to just run down a chronological report. That's lame. I'm trying not to be lame, but, that's kind of hard... And, to add to that. I had this ALL WRITTEN and it got lost in the Interwebs. Damn. Get the full story...

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Hell of the North Shore 2012

The name, officially dubbed by Tom Merrill, pays tribute to the "Hell of the North," Paris-Roubaix. Only our ride was much shorter, much easier, and probably much more fun. Glen has been hankering to change  up the typical type of mountain biking that most of us do... loop after loop of the same trails at the same trail network. With literally hundreds of miles of trail in this area, connecting major areas is pretty simple, and for the most part, a massive loop has already been created, the Bay Circuit Trail. In some areas, the trails are less distinct, poorly marked, or winding in and out of neighborhoods. But, the BCT IS there, and it's awesome.

Glen planned out a point to point ride starting in Ipswich, and ending in Andover, covering Willowdale, Georgetown-Rowley State Forest, Boxford Town Forest, Harold Parker, and plenty of other trail networks, many I had never heard of before.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Lost... In Willowdale?

So, my lovely wife and I went out for a cruise at Willowdale with Rob & Renee. We got a little bit of a late start, we were getting hungry, and our plan of hitting all the singletrack became less important than our plan of grabbing some food and beer.

About halfway through our loop, we decided to hop on the fireroads to get back to the car via the quickest route. That's when things fell apart. Read More!

Friday, April 6, 2012

A Forked Up Situation...

So, yesterday, while moving some stuff around in my basement (i.e. bike lair), I decide to get my TT bike ready for the upcoming season...

I swapped the pedals out (I must have last done a duathlon because I had platforms/straps on there and I'm too lazy to change my shoes in a transition area...), and I had some new tires to put on... some nice new Michelin tires. Swapping tires out only takes a few minutes right? That's what I thought...

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Adventure Ride Everyone! Who's Ready? Hello? /cricket, cricket/

It ain't Garmin but it'll get me there and back.  
Tape and paper:  8 cents.  
 Not having to be associated with anything Jonathan Vaughters related: priceless.

   The spring classics are upon us so it's time to once again strike out for adventure!  I put out the all points bulletin for adventure seeking riders hoping I would get a couple hardcore guys.  When rain and snow rolled in I figured it would narrow the field further.  Sadly, the Nookinator was working (boooooo!), Glen is struggling with his road biker/mountain biker split personality illness,  2N Glenn doesn't like to get his bike dirty, and evidently DASP has been having some injury issues.  So as the temps hung around 40 degrees and the sky was drizzling it became a solo operation.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

King Of Burlingame: Great, Current State of Rap Music: Yuk

 These days I choose my mtb races by watching their helmet cam videos on-line and if it appears I won't kill myself I put it on my to-do list.  Burlingame looked good and it was a time trial so I reasoned I wouldn't be holding too many people up with my constant dismounts and running.  All good until . . . 

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Yep, it's true. Spring has sprung, and our custom team hats from Walz Caps have arrived.  I'll be getting these out to those deserving folks who have officially signed up on BikeReg over the next week or so...

For the rest of you, get on the ball and head on over to BikeReg and join the fun!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Monday, March 12, 2012

Where Are The Best Hills?

In relation to the "north of Boston" area, where do you guys, and gals, think the best hills are? I'm looking for a good distance to elevation ratio (meaning, how far do I have to go to get some "real" climbing in?). Do I have to drive up to NH or VT? After being able to climb thousands of feet while in Costa Rica (more on that later), the local hills just aren't cutting it for me...

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Good Times

Great get together last night!

First, I want to thank Matt from Pedro's for coming out and discussing the proper care and feeding of our bikes and for ensuring that everyone went home with something, from lube to brushes to degreaser. Thanks Matt!

Next, I want to thank Rob for getting the Pactimo fit-kit and the clothing samples. Look for Rob's e-mail for details of an upcoming order.

And of course, thanks to everyone for coming out and getting me pumped up for another year of beer drinking and trash talking. Oh, and of course, training and racing.

Oh, and a special thanks to Pete for bringing my priceless statue back... Jean is *so* excited.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Snow? Hardly! Fun 'Randonee' exploration ride

In an upbeat mood, I suited up and went for a mixed-bag sort of ride. Trails, roads, and indeed - some minor bushwhacking. The weather reports made a whole lot of noise over nothing, as it was 40 degrees outside and barely, I mean barely - precipitating.

Goal was to get 2.5 hours of miscellaneous efforts - tempo, hills, mud, grass, easy cruising on the road portions that connected the fun parts, all on the 'cross bike. Jamie had plotted some fun routes these last few weeks - also with plenty of bushwhacking (and poison ivy), and on my own today I connected up some northern sections to add to his pretty well established connectors.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

2012 Team Caucus

It's time for a gathering... a conclave, an assembly, a buzz session, a confab, a conference, a huddle, parley, a powwow, a shin dig...

Mark your calendar for Saturday, Feb 11th, 7pm.

The event will take place at my super-secret lair and will involve beverages and snacks (of which, you may bring a selection).

Discussion topics will include bikes, biking, races, racing, training (but probably not trains), tires, being tired, and most importantly, lubrication. We may have a special guest who is a lubrication specialist, but more on that later.

Please RSVP to let me know an approximate head count.

NEW INFORMATION! In addition to having a lubricationologist on hand to discuss the proper way to maintain your bike, we'll have clothing samples from Pactimo, for consideration of additional orders (including women's specific clothing), jerseys, shorts, skinsuits, jackets, vests, etc, and we'll have samples from Walz caps to try on, as custom Racer-X hats are the freebee you get this year for joining the team...


Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Snow and Biking?? Hells Yeah!!

Just a little snapshot of how much fun it can be to bike in the snow on a fat bike:

Monday, January 16, 2012


It's 2012, and I'm working on plans to make this a great year for the club! As always, let me know what YOU want (david[dot]racerx[at], and I'll see if I can make it happen... I AM very powerful afterall... Anyway, stay tuned for details soon. In the meantime, feel free to renew (if your membership has expired) over at BikeReg.

Otherwise, stay warm, enjoy the "off" season, and have a Hibernator... Mmmm.... Hibernator...