
Sunday, November 29, 2015

NECX BAR, Fitchburg, MA (11/29/15)

I have made my not-so-triumphant return to cyclocross racing in Fitchburg, MA, for the NECX BAR. Read more...

Here's a numerical summary of race:
  • 5: AM, the time I woke up.
  • 26: degrees at the start line.
  • 2: the number of overnight shifts I've worked just prior to the race.
  • 87: the number of excuses I had come up with on the drive to the race to explain my anticipated poor performance (including the previous item and the next item).
  • 0: the number of cyclocross races I've done over the past three years.
  • 1: the number of extra pair of wheels I brought to put in the race pit.
  • 1: the number of extra wheels I left in the car and didn't put in the race pit.
  • 10: the approximate number of minutes between arriving, getting my race number, and getting to the start line.
  • 10.5: the percent of alcohol in my delicious Gulden Draak beer I am enjoying right now.
  • 0: the number of fingers that had feeling for the majority of the race.
  • 1: the number of wonderful wives I had at the race to cheer me on to take some pics.
  • 9: the number of gears on my "cross" bike.

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